Voice Search for Mobile Apps: Possibilities and Difficulties

  • Application Development
  • 19 May 2023

The demand for increased processing speed has been the direct reason why voice technology has taken its pace in the industry. The mobile app development company in Boston rendering solutions to cope with the improvement in the technology base in the last 10 years has brought satisfactory comfort and efficiency. The performance level of the digital products, as well as the users’ expectations, have risen too high and the device category capable of performing multiple operations is the one that tops the hierarchy. The development of voice recognition happened with the demand for faster accomplishments and the same has almost succeeded in achieving the same. 

The evolution of voice technology was a total explosion in the mobile app development field and the same technology has not only taken its space in our mobile phones but as well as in our home devices too. With the help of the same, the awesome accomplishment of tasks happens by saying commands to our phones and gadgets. Still, some inconveniences occur and I still need to learn how to overcome a set of challenges.

The Importance of Voice Search Technology


In the digital environment, voice search technology has become a well-known innovation paving the way for the better functionality of apps in multiple devices. Many home devices are currently running with the aid of mobile phone apps and the same happens to work with voice search technology. How it works is you command on your mobile phone app and the device connected to it at home will start working as well. The voice search technologies in most of the apps currently running with utmost efficiency and that have gained the most rate usages have emphasized sharing great and better user experiences.


Voice Search – Its Benefits



Functionality is at the core and is the button with graphical user interfaces and the filters by category are made visible with the appropriate user interfaces, for which it becomes important to know the names of the category as well. While searching it might undergo a series of typings and clicking to end up with your favorite one you are searching for. Voice search technology overcomes this drawback and defines any number of synonyms for your categories and product names. Without deep diving into the subcategories, the users get easy access to all the categories easily. 


Sending a voice is easy and takes less time than typing messages. Research shows that voices are 3 times faster when it is on mobile phones.

Easy searches pave more purchases

Easy and faster procedures happen to be accessed more, and when it is on mobile apps, it tends to make more purchases. With voice searches the filling of shopping carts happens faster and more purchases happen as it becomes less hassle to have a search and add to the cart. Moreover, voice search offers less privacy and people more conscious about the privacy matter are less likely to opt for the same. Sometimes it’s haunting. You have always to hear yourself inside your home when you wish to spend some time alone. The privacy implications are limited by adding voice concerns rather than triggering accidentally but leveraging a push-to-talk. If not aware of the privacy issues the user could experience a much better facility at your ease.


Voice Search for mobile apps – Challenges


Missing Accuracy & right interpretation

Voice recognition renders inaccurate speech-to-tech technology and in many situations, the display happens to be something close to the same as it cannot understand the context of every language leading to misinterpretation. The slang and technicalities of different language bases are the challenges that occur evidently.

Accents & Dialects 

The common voice recognition software offers problems with different accents and dialects, taking time to decode the speech. Speaking clearly is evident and the pronunciation and the quality of voice may affect the speed and accuracy of processing in such software.

Languages compatibility

Voice technology hasn’t developed to be compatible with all languages and slang. Even the popular languages in different slang are misinterpreted and have a long way to go when the technology will be available to all, no matter the language.




